04 March 2012

Book Review: The God I Never Knew by Robert Morris

My two younger children are students at ORU, where Robert Morris came and spoke in chapel last fall. He gave every student a copy of this book, The God I Never Knew. So I decided to read it.

It's a great overall teaching on the Holy Spirit. Reading it reminded me of how I felt when I read Forgotten God by Francis Chan. It was a great reminder of the friendship the Holy Spirit desires to have with us.

There was nothing earth shattering or paradigm shifting in this book for me, but I have been blessed to have grown up in churches with some very solid teaching on the Holy Spirit. That being said though, it is always good to be reminded of these things I've been taught. I needed the reminder to cultivate my friendship with the Holy Spirit.

I highly recommend the solid teaching found in this book for anyone who needs a primer on the Holy Spirit or a great refresher course.

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