15 November 2011

Throwing Caution to the Wind and Turning off the Editor...for today anyway...

Why is it so difficult? I so easily and readily take my own thoughts for granted that I end up doing nothing. Putting nothing out there. I'm like the "wicked, lazy servant" who thought the master was "a hard man"!Why? Why would I imagine for a second that my Loving Heavenly Father "reaps where he doesn't sow"?

(I love the way The Message says it, "It's criminal to live cautiously like that!" http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2025&version=MSG

Why would a loving Father give me this burning desire to put words on paper that will help those who read them know who He is (in a simple way) then leave me to twist in the wind? I am not responsible for the results, just the action, the decision, to put it out there.

Why does Resistance constantly get the best of me? (I need to re-read The War of Art !)

If all I ever accomplish is pleasing my Father God -- That. Is. Enough. That is all. That is everything.

So today, instead of my usual "process" of writing, putting it aside for a couple of days, editing and putting it aside for a couple of days, editing again, and then maybe hitting "publish," I've put my hand over the mouth of the editor who lives in my brain, and she is struggling and straining and trying to bite her way out, but for today, I'm holding her back.

What holds you back? What keeps you from investing your "talent"?


  1. This is perfect, complete, and without question...a word in due season. Thank you.

  2. Anonymous,
    Thank you for commenting, that is really encouraging! I'm so blessed that it spoke to you.
